ESADE Business School: Growing globally minded leaders – Glitchmate

ESADE Business School: Cultivating Global Leaders with a Human Touch

Location: Barcelona, Spain
Established: 1958

BarCELONA is a city that is way more than just a place, it is vibrant and culturally diverse and at the heart of it is ESADE the leading business institution which is focused on helping the next generation of global business leaders. To become the global university for business and management, ESADE’s mission is to provide a unique educational experience for its students, attaching great importance to academic quality, innovation and social responsibility. Now take a glimpse of the features that position ESADE Business School as an industry leader and the best place for the gifted business professionals to grow.

A Legacy of Excellence

The reputation of ‘ESADE’ in the field of business education since its inception in the year 1958 has already garnered a remarkable degree of respect. One of school features that could be mentioned is providing a rigorous academic environment to stimulate students intellectually and equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the global business world with its complexity. ESADE’sl faculty, a heterogeneous group of talented professors and practitioners, offer a wide range of knowledge and practical solutions that are useful for aspiring managers.

Innovative Learning Environment

The innovative approach to teaching typical of the ESADE is its distinguishing feature. The learning process requires the students to tackle theoretical knowledge beyond the classroom and in many cases experience the real life where theoretical knowledge is tested. With case studies, simulations, internships and consulting projects, the students will become familiar with the best practices, skills, tools and strategies that they will use to manage issues that occur in organizations and also those that lie in the future.

Global Perspective

In the global village talent of business leaders is reliant though of the interconnectedness of the world. ESADE values this notion of diversity with its student population across the globe, academicians from multicultural backgrounds, and the broad net of its international network. It is a common knowledge that ESADE has students of all races and ethnicities. The diversity that is created encourages the openness and appreciation of different views which is a great window in our learning and experience. In addition to the international perspective that is gained from studying abroad, hosting international interns, and doing global consulting projects, this global experience is also another factor that contributes to an increased intercultural perspective.

Commitment to Social Responsibility

ESADE combines business and social responsibility; – it’s not just about business, but instead, business orientation brings a positive impact to society. The enterprise provides its students with a profound social obligation spirit and shows the priority of ethical leadership and the principles of sustainable business. One the multiple examples that show how ESADE is involved in social impact is the social impact is, among the multiple ones, its curriculum, research initiatives, and community engagement programs. Through analysis and development of detailed alternatives, the students get the opportunity to make the connection between the business and the community and put forward solutions that tackle current societal and environmental challenges.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

In the case that the main asset for the entrepreneur is the innovative thinking, the business school will ensure that your ideas are receiving the required support and the management of your venture is happening flawless. The self-reliance from the institute is derived from the resources, provision of mentorship and networking opportunities that are geared towards helping the students turn their business ideation into a sure reality. Besides Barcelona’s vibrant startup environment, a large advantage for the studends wich is the opportunity to share the experience of entrepreneurship with various innovators and investors.

Personalized Education

ESADE realizes that everyone’s journey towards building this one self is unique. The individualized way of learning at school ensures that each and every student will receive enough assistance and attention to pursue their personal goals. Small group sessions, regular visits with the faculty mentors, and intensive career services are the elements contributing to an environment where students are able to strive and grow. One of the school’s objectives is to bring students closer to the world of work via a wide range of career paths, which training is aimed not only at corporate management but also entrepreneurship, and social enterprise.

Vibrant Campus Life

The ESADE experience is centered around learning and discovery beyond the classroom walls. Broadening one’s horizons, the school’s varied campus life provides a cocoon where imagination, independence, as well as bond with the community are freely nurtured. High-schoolers can get engaged in multiple clubs, cultural events, and will be provided with fantastic views of Barcelona by being a part of this. Through this unique model of education, which focuses at the development of the professional and personal aspect of the students, the students develop into better people beyond their professional selves.

Strong Alumni Network

As ESADE students conclude their education, they are invited to a global community of people that are well connected and loyal. ESADE alumni are in leadership positions across all industries, from finance and consulting to technology and creating business opportunities for those in the society. This network is the great asset, where graduates find the best mentors, meaningful job positions, and stay in touch during their whole lives, brought to a new level of their career they have always wanted.


ESADE School of Business is exactly that, it doesn’t only want you to graduate with a degree, but also want you coming out of that school knowing how to face issues, no innovation left and ready to take leadership roles in society. This University being an insulse undertaking which includes high academic programmes, students from different cultures and the preparation for engagement with society, would like to grant the students the full-fledged adventure of getting education far from home, because when they would find themselves in this establishment they will made ready to be successful in the global business markets and they would be able to be effective in the world arena as well. Be it your career in the corporate world, business/ entrepreneurship or volunteering, ESADE gives everything you need – knowledge, skills, and your networks that enable you to materialize your ambitions.

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